Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

Bir yardımcı cihaz olan GlassOuse, Bluetooth aracılığıyla bilgisayarlar, cep telefonları, tabletler ve akıllı TV’lerle bağlantı kurmak ve kullanmak için normal bir gözlük gibi takılan bir gözlük-fare birleşimidir. GlassOuse, teknolojik cihazlarınızı ellerinizi kullanmanıza ihtiyaç olmadan kontrol etmek için fare giriş cihazı olarak çalışır.

G-Switch Serisi, GlassOuse V1.3 / V1.2 veya herhangi bir türde uyumlu cihazlarla birleştirilebilecek çeşitli anahtar kontrol seçeneklerini içerir. G-Switch Serisi’ndeki anahtarlar, yüksek uyumluluk için mono 3.5mm jak girişi ile birlikte gelir. Mevcut G-Switch Serisi seçenekleri aşağıdaki gibidir:

  • Isırma Anahtarı: Basit ısırık veya dudak sıkıştırmaları aracılığıyla tıklama işlemleri gerçekleştiren bir anahtar seçeneğidir. Kanserojen olmayan silikon anahtar kılıfı birlikte gelir ve günlük kullanım için sağlıklıdır.
  • Üfleme Anahtarı: Yerleşik elektronik mikrofonuyla üfleme yoluyla tıklama işlemleri gerçekleştiren bir anahtar seçeneğidir. Bozuk para büyüklüğünde bir pil ile çalışır.
  • Parmak Anahtarı: Küçük anahtar düğmesine bastırarak tıklama işlemleri gerçekleştiren bir anahtar seçeneğidir. Kumaş yüzeylere veya yardımcı kayışlara monte edilebilir ve parmağınız, kolunuz veya vücudunuzun herhangi bir bölümüyle kullanılabilir.
  • Ayak Anahtarı: Ayaklarınızın bastırmasıyla tıklama işlemleri gerçekleştiren bir anahtar seçeneğidir. Basma sırasında kaymayı veya hareket etmesini önlemek için kaymaz tabana sahiptir.
  • Basma Anahtarı: Kullanıcının rahat bir şekilde aktivasyon yüzeyine basarak tıklama işlemlerini gerçekleştirebildiği dayanıklı bir anahtar seçeneğidir.
  • Yastık Anahtarı: Kullanıcıların baş, çene veya yanaklarını kullanarak rahatlıkla tıklama yapabilmesi için tasarlanmış yumuşak bir yastık kılıfı ile kaplanmış anahtardır. Tıklama işlemleri aktivasyon yüzeyine basarak oldukça rahat bir şekilde gerçekleştirilebilir.
  • Touch Switch: Hareket yüzeyine hafif bir dokunuşla tıklama işlemlerini gerçekleştirebilen yüksek hassasiyete sahip bir anahtardır.
  • Yakınlık Anahtarı: Kullanıcının hareketiyle aktif hale gelen bir anahtardır. Tıklama işlemlerini gerçekleştirmek için aktivasyon yüzeyi üzerinden farklı mesafe seviyelerini algılayabilir.
GlassOuse ve G-Switch Serisi, kısıtlı hareket yeteneğine sahip olan bireyler veya teknolojiden ellerini kullanmaya gerek kalmadan yararlanmak isteyen herkes için tasarlanmıştır.
Aşağıda, GlassOuse ve G-Switch Serisi’nin yardımcı cihaz ve anahtar kontrolü olarak kullanıldığı bazı hasta grupları bulunmaktadır:
  • Travmatik Beyin
    • Kafatası İçi Kanama
    • Beyin Kontüzyonu
    • Beyin Sarsıntısı
    • Kafatası İçi Kanama
    • Epidural
    • Subdural
  • Felç
    • MCA ve ACA İnfarktları
    • Laküner İnfarktlar
  • Beyin Tümörleri
    • Gliyal Tümörler
    • Metastazlar
  • Omurilik Yaralanması
    • Servikal Yaralanma
    • Boyun Fıtığı
    • Santral Kord Sendromu
  • Servikal Cerrahi Operasyonlar
  • Brakiyal Pleksus ve Periferik Sinir Yaralanmaları ve Vasküler veya Ortopedik Cerrahi Sonrası Bazı Sekeller
  • Miyopatiler
    • Edinsel
    • Doğuştan
  • Serebral Palsi
    • Prenatal
    • Antenatal
    • Postnatal
  • Multipl Skleroz
  • Amiyotrofik Lateral Skleroz (ALS)
  • Kas Distrofisi
      • Becker Distrofisi
      • Duchenne Kas Distrofisi
      • Skapulohumeral Kas Distrofisi”
  • Spinal Musküler Atrofi
  • “Merkezi Sinir Sistemi Enfeksiyonlarının Sekelleri
    • Guillain-Barre Sendromu
    • – Polimiyozit
  • Amputasyon
  • Tetrapleji
  • Dismeli
  • Amyotrofik lateral skleroz (ALS)
  • Multipl skleroz (MS)
  • Tekrarlayan hareket yaralanması (RSI)
  • Kas distrofisi
  • Serebral palsi (SP)

You can use GlassOuse V1.1 with Dwell software directly without pressing the attached “bite-click” switch. GlassOuse will track your head movements to move the cursor, while the software perform the clicks for you.

Windows: You can use a 3rd party dwell software like Point’n’click.

macOS: You can use the built-in dwell option of Sierra under Accessibility settings.

Linux: You can set the dwell click applet under Mouse Preferences dialog-box as an Accessibility feature.

Android: You can use your Android device’s built-in Accessibility feature. Select “Click after pointer stops moving” to use your device on dwell mode.

You can use GlassOuse V1.3/V1.2 with Dwell software directly without any G-Switch Series switch options. GlassOuse will track your head movements to move the cursor, while the software perform the clicks for you.

Windows: You can use a 3rd party dwell software like Point’n’click.

macOS: You can use the built-in dwell option of Sierra under Accessibility settings.

Linux: You can set the dwell click applet under Mouse Preferences dialog as an Accessibility feature.

Android: You can use your Android device’s  built-in Accessibility feature. Select “Click after pointer stops moving” to use your device on dwell mode.

Absolutely! G-Switch Series switches are external switch controls to be used with adapted devices and toys even though they are designed as perfect companions of GlassOuseV1.3/V1.2.

GlassOuse has a high compatibility and connects to your gadgets via Bluetooth connection.

  • Android devices (Mobile phones, tablets, smart TVs)
  • Apple  – iPhone (iOS13) ; Computers (macOS) ; iPad (ipadOS)
  • Windows devices (Computers, mobile phones, tablets, smart TVs)
  • Linux devices (Computers, tablets)
  • Chrome OS ( Computer, tablets)


GlassOuse V1.3/V1.2/V1.1 is fully compatible with iPhone (iOS 13 and above) and iPad (iPadOS).

With your GlassOuse V1.1, you can perform the clicking action via biting the bite-click switch.

If you use GlassOuse V1.3/V1.2, you can do the clicking action via Dwell software on macOS or Accessibility features of your Android devices.

For Windows, we suggest to use 3rd party free software such as ClickAid or Point-n-Click to make right clicks, double clicks, drag’n drops, scrolling up and down etc.

For macOS, you can use the Switch Control panel under the Accessibility section in System Preferences. Switch Control panel will give you all commands you may need under the Pointer tab and you do not need to download any extra application.

For Linux, you can right-click by holding down the left mouse button. To enable this

1.Open the Activities overview and start typing Universal Access.
2.Click on Universal Access to open the panel.
3.Press Click Assist in the Pointing & Clicking section.
4.Switch Simulated Secondary Click to ON.

You can change how long you must hold down the left mouse button before it is registered as a right-click by changing the Acceptance delay.

To right-click with a simulated secondary click, hold down the left mouse button where you would normally right-click, then release. The pointer fills with a different colour as you hold down the left mouse button. Once it will change this colour entirely, release the mouse button to right-click.

If you combine your GlassOuse V1.3/V1.2 with GS01 Bite Switch, clicking action is done via biting. With GS02 Puff Switch, clicks are made via simple puffs. with GS03 Finger Switch, you just simply press the switch with any part of your body. , with GS04 Foot Switch, you simply press the switch with your foot. With GS05-GS06-GS07 Press/Pillow Switch, you press the switch using any of you body part, GS08 Touch Switch, activate the switch by touching the surface and lastly GS09 Proximity Switch, just hover over the switch to perform click.

Now almost all android phones come with accessibility support, enabling you to use glassouse smoothly.

However, if not, you can download the APK files on our support page to your Android device to use GlassOuse efficiently. As a 3rd party software we suggest EasyTouch app to mimic physical home buttons on your device screen to switch between pages and apps while using GlassOuse and SwiftKey Keyboard app to be able to use a screen keyboard while connected to GlassOuse.

You can download the APK file on our support page to your Android device to use physical home and return buttons with EasyTouch app.

Your device’s original web browser or other 3rd party browsers may not support a visible scroll bar. We suggest to use Firefox web browser app for Android devices not to have such text selecting problems. Firefox browser’s built in scroll bar may not be visible but it will make you to scroll down and up easily only by pressing the click on the page area to downwards or upwards. But if you still want to have a more visible option, please read our guide on our Support page to set up Scroll Bar add-on to your Firefox browser app.

Or you can download Scroll Control APP to scroll on any page and APP on your device. You can download the APP here and see further details on our Support page.

Since GlassOuse has a smart battery mode to extend the battery life and not to disturb you while you are watching movies or listening to music, GlassOuse enters “Sleep” mode if the bite-click switch is not pressed for 15 seconds. You can simply “move the device or perform a click function to wake it up.

We recommend to calibrate your GlassOuse when you connect it to a new device or if the cursor moves abnormally (e.g. vibration, sliding etc.). The entire process can be completed in two minutes.
To calibrate GlassOuseV1.1/V1.2:
  • Turn on your device’s Bluetooth.
  • Press the “Reset” button.
  • Place GlassOuse on a flat surface. If you are using GlassOuse V1.2/V1.1, the cable of “bite-switch” should be in a suspended position.
  • During the calibration process, LED light will turn to red from the blue for a second. When the LED is red, the calibration is completed.

To calibrate GlassOuse V1.3

  • Connect GlassOuse with your device via Bluetooth. Wait until the LED is continuously blue.
  • Keep the Glassouse in an inverted position on a flat solid surface to start automatic calibration.
  • During calibration, you will notice LED blinking red and blue alternatively. Once the LED is continuously blue again, calibration is finished.

You can set your GlassOuse’s mouse sensitivity in two ways.

To set your cursor speed on your device (PC, tablet, phone):

  • Go to “Cursor Speed” options of the device.
  • Select the desired speed.

To set the cursor speed of GlassOuse V1.3/V1.2:

  • Connect GlassOuse to a G-switch through mono 3.5mm jack plug. Press your G-switch and “Reset” buttons simultaneously. If you are using a Puff Switch, press “Reset” button of your GlassOuse while you are puffing towards the switch.
  • While pressing, release the “Reset” button first and then release the G-switch button. The LED should blink red. If you are using a Puff Switch, release “Reset” button first and stop puffing after.
  • Select desired cursor speed (slow, medium or fast) by pressing (or puffing) G-Switch according to the speed of the red LED light. On the “slow” setting LED will blink slowly, on the “medium” setting LED will blink faster and on the “fast” setting LED will blink the fastest.
  • Upon your choice, press “Reset” to activate GlassOuse.

To set the cursor speed of GlassOuse V1.1:

  • Press “Bite-Click” and “Reset” buttons simultaneously.
  • First release, “Reset” button and then release “Bite-Click” button. The LED light will blink red.
  • Select the desired cursor speed (slow, medium or fast) by pressing “Bite-Click” according to the speed of the red LED light. On the “slow” setting LED will blink slowly, on the “medium” setting LED will blink faster and on the “fast” setting LED will blink the fastest.
  • Upon your choice, press “Reset” to activate GlassOuse.

If your head is not in a comfortable position while the cursor is in the middle of the screen or simply dragging the cursor disturbs you, push the cursor to the edge of the screen first and then readjust its position according to your comfort.

You can use GlassOuse V1.3 up to 150 hours(appx.) with a full charge, while GlassOuse V1.2 can be used for 14-15 hours (appx.) on a single charge.

Ennopro Group Limited
Rm. 02, 7th Floor, SPA center
No 53-55, Lockhart Rd,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong.