About GlassOuse Assistive Device
Founded in 2016, GlassOuse Assistive Device has been designing and developing technologies to assist people with physical disabilities and limited mobility to access basic technology like everyone else.
“How does a disabled person without limbs or mobility issues operate their smartphones, tablets, and computers?” – this was one question that our Founder and CEO – Mehmet Turker faced back in early 2016 when confronted with this dilemma. Nemo’s close friend Caner Cem Marti, a 20-year-old adventurer, sustained a severe injury while deep-sea diving that resulted in full-body paralysis below head. This accident would change Carner’s life forever. So, Nemo wanted to create a device for his friend to enable him to use his phone and computer, just like everybody else.
He went on design GlassOuse V1.1 – A wireless head mouse which would let Caner use mobile phones and computers simply via head movements and bite click. This device later went on to be launched on Indiegogo, where it was praised and appreciated globally.
Since then, our team of experts, with helpful feedback from our global community of users, have developed various assistive devices like GlassOuse V1.4, GlassOuse PRO, G-Switches, Adaptive Toys and more to let every access technology more independently.
#inclusion #technology4all
GlassOuse Assistive Device (Brand) is entirely owned and operated by Ennopro Group Limited (Parent Organization)