GlassOuse lanza el nuevo assistive device 1.3
La empresa Glassouse Assistive Device ha lanzado al mercado, el pasado 16 de octubre, la nueva versión de su dispositivo bluetooth que permite a gente discapacitada utilizar el móvil, el ordenador y otros dispositivos electrónicos sin necesidad de utilizar las manos. READ MORE
These glasses can help people with disabilities use technology without their hands
Glassouse can be worn like a pair of glasses and allows people with disabilities to use their smartphones and computers hands-free. Head movements control the cursor and biting on the blue extension will select items. READ MORE
Engineers invented a computer mouse for people who can’t use their hands
The GlassOuse is a bluetooth mouse that’s worn like glasses. Based on your head movements, it moves the cursor onscreen. You bite on a… READ MORE
Digital glasses for people without use of arms wins major award in Dundee
Digital glasses which assist people who don’t have the use of their arms have been named the best new product at a prestigious awards ceremony. READ MORE
Ahmet Yeşiltepe’nin sunduğu Dünyanın Haberi, CRI Türkçe’nin EnnoPro haberini ekrana getiriyor.
Genç Türk girişimci Mehmet Türker de başarıyı Shenzhen’de yakalayanlardan birisi. Mehmet Turker’in engelli bir arkadaşına yardım etmek amacıyla tasarladığı gözlük, ona yeni bir sektörün kapısını açtı. READ MORE
The Mouse That Can Be Controlled By Simple Head Movements
GlassOuse gives people with disabilities more control of their computers. READ MORE
GlassOuse Assitive Bluetooth Mouse
GlassOuse is a Bluetooth pointing device for people who have difficulty using their hands. It connects to devices just like a regular Bluetooth mouse. READ MORE
Glassouse lets users control a mouse cursor with their eyes — and mouth
A new wearable may soon help people engage with electronics without having to use their hands. Users don the Glassouse like they would a pair of glasses. The device connects to… READ MORE
How to fly a DJI Mavick Pro drone with GlassOuse – By Gareth Rowan
Back in 2014 Gareth Rowan was living something of a dream lifestyle. After leaving university, he was able to combine a passion for sailing with travelling and got himself a job around the world. Coincidentally… READ MORE
A headset that replaces your mouse with head tilts and biting
GlassOuse (i.e. “Glasses + Mouse”) is made specifically to help those who cannot use a traditional mouse. Worn on the head like a pair of glasses, the device connects to… READ MORE
Glassouse is a wearable mouse with Bluetooth support that’s designed to look like a pair of glasses (without lenses). Built onto the frame of the device is a 9-axis sensor… READ MORE
Winners announced in the Blackwood Design Awards 2016 final!
The winner of the ‘Best New Product’ was the Glassouse invented by Mehmet Turker based in Hong Kong, China. The Glassouse is a hands free light-weight pair of glasses… READ MORE
GlassOuse is an innovative assistive device that helps people with different disabilities to access technology. People with limited hand functioning now can enjoy… READ MORE
Designer Mehmet Turker entered pioneering product GlassOuse all the way from China
It is worn comfortably on the head like a pair of glasses and is made specifically to help those who cannot use a traditional mouse due to an inability to fully use their hands. READ MORE
GlassOuse Assistive Device Gives Extra Hands to Those With Limited Mobility
A new pair of glasses could help revolutionize computer usage in those with restricted mobility. The tech startup GlassOuse uses a modified pair of glasses to help people with no hands… READ MORE
The CEBA ‘GlassOuse’ Mouse Redesigns the Mouse for the Disabled
The majority of computer peripherals on the market are designed for those with total mobility, so the CEBA ‘GlassOuse’ mouse lets differently abled users gain better control. READ MORE
GlassOuse: The Hands-Free Assistive Mouse
After his friend had an accident, causing him to loose the ability to use his hands, one man decided to make a difference in the lives of disabled people. This man is Mehmet Turker. READ MORE
Designs for people with disabilities win top awards
Designer Mehmet Turker entered pioneering product GlassOuse all the way from China. It is worn comfortably on the head like a pair of glasses and is made specifically to help those who cannot use a traditional mouse due to an inability… READ MORE
GlassOuse: A Head And Mouth Controlled Mouse For People With Disabilities
For amputees, people with spinal cord injuries, stroke patients, and other who have bad motor skills, a mouse for computers or their finger(s) for tablets or phones… READ MORE
Glassouse – Affordable assistive device lets disabled use mouse with head movements
The Glassouse, an affordable bluetooth mouse that can enable disabled people to use a mouse with computers… READ MORE
Bilgisayar faresi ile gözlüğü birleştiren ve asıl amacı elleri ve kollarını kullanamayan kişilerin teknolojik cihazlara komuta etmesini sağlayan cihaz… READ MORE
Ground-Breaking Designs for People with Disabilities Win Top Awards
Designer Mehmet Turker entered pioneering product GlassOuse all the way from China. It is worn comfortably on the head like a pair of glasses and is made specifically… READ MORE
Head-tracking mouse designed for people with disabilities
For those with disabilities who are unable to use a mouse or a touchscreen, mass-produced devices can become more of a hindrance than a help. READ MORE
GlassOuse headset allows hands-free mouse control
A team led by designer Mehmet Nemo Turker has posted an Indiegogo project for a head-mounted device called GlassOuse (Glass Mouse)—it is meant to allow disabled people to use a computer or handheld device by… READ MORE
GlassOuse Assistive Mouse for Handsfree Use
Meet the GlassOuse: a smart wearable device that lets users interact with their machine without their hands. You get a pair of glasses with a bite click. GlassOuse connects to your smart devices via Bluetooth. READ MORE
Glassouse, il mouse che si indossa e si usa senza mani
Un mouse da indossare come un paio di occhiali, per avere il controllo di tutti i dispositivi elettronici. Glassouse è stato creato per chi non può usare le mani a causa di patologie o disabilità… READ MORE
These Glasses Let You Control A Computer With Your Head
GlassOuse is reminiscent of a bulkier Google Glass with an odd blue mouthpiece hanging from the side. This device allows people who can’t use their hands for the keyboard or the mouse control computers only with head movements. READ MORE
O nome GlassOuse é um combinado das palavras mouse com glass (óculos em inglês). E é exatamente isso que ele é: óculos que funcionam como mouse. Utilizando um acelerômetro, como o que há nos smartphones, o usuário pode mover o… READ MORE
Inspired by his friend Caner’s experience, Turkish designer Mehmet Turker has invented an assistive device so that people who can’t use a mouse or touchscreen can enjoy new technology – without using their hands. READ MORE
GlassOuse – einfach genialer Mausersatz hilft Querschnittsgelähmten bei Computerbedienung
Ein junger türkischer Elektronik-Designer aus Shenzen in China hat eine Maussteuerung erfunden, die querschnittsgelähmten sowie anderen körperlich benachteiligten Menschen, die aus den unterschiedlichsten… READ MORE
Kopfdrehen & Beißen: Handfreie Maus-Alternative GlassOuse
Hier kommt mal wieder ein Mausersatz und zwar ein recht vielversprechender: GlassOuse ist für Menschen mit Behinderungen konzipiert, die eine klassische Maus schlicht nicht bedienen können, das… READ MORE
To Click This Assistive Mouse, Just Bite
Mehmet Nemo Turker, a Turkish electronics designer based in Shenzhen, never thought much about assistive devices, or their cost. Then his best friend, Caner Cem Marti, was paralyzed from the neck down in an accident. READ MORE
GlassOuse: Die „Maus-Brille“ für behinderte Menschen
Ein junger Erfinder hat eine Möglichkeit gefunden, wie man ohne den Einsatz von Armen Computer, Smartphones und Tablets bedienen kann. Die Lösung ist ein spezielles Headset, das an Brillen erinnert. READ MORE
Glassouse — устройство для управления курсором мыши с помощью движений головы
Новое устройство в будущем может составить конкуренцию традиционным компьютерным мышкам, а то и вовсе их заменить. На создание первого прототипа устройства молодого инженера Мехмета Немо… READ MORE
Innovative designs scoop prizes at Blackwood awards
Designer Mehmet Turker entered pioneering product GlassOuse all the way from China. It is worn comfortably on the head like a pair of glasses and is made specifically to help those who cannot use a traditional mouse due to an inability… READ MORE
Ground-breaking designs for people with disabilities win Blackwood awards
The headpiece has been designed for everyone but, in particular, to help those who have suffered traumatic injuries such as brain bleeds and tumours, strokes, spinal damage and cerebral palsy… READ MORE
Türk geliştiriciden fiziksel engellilere özel yardımcı fare: GlassOuse
Dünya üzerinde geçirdiği bir kaza sonucunda ellerini kaybeden ya da hiç kullanamayan birçok insan bulunuyor. Bu kişiler bilgisayar, televizyon ya da akıllı telefonlarını kullanmakta büyük zorluklar yaşarken, Mehmet Türker’in… READ MORE
Llega GlassOuse, el ratón sin manos
La adaptabilidad es imprescindible a día de hoy, y la tecnología pone todas las cartas sobre la mesa para, cada mes, presentarnos una o varias nuevas creaciones que mejoran cada vez más la calidad de vida de las personas. READ MORE
Wearable Tech for the Disabled
GlassOuse is an assistive mouse that helps people control electronics without using their hands. According to Business Insider, “The GlassOuse is a bluetooth mouse that’s worn like glasses… READ MORE
Türkiye klasiği: TÜBİTAK reddetti, Apple ve Google peşlerinde!
Türker’in geliştirmiş olduğu GlassOuse 2017 yılında Apple’ın dünya genelindeki Apple Store mağazalarında raflarda yerini alacak. Ayrıca projenin peşini bırakmayan bir dünya devi daha var: Google… READ MORE
TÜBİTAK’ın Kabul Etmediği Mehmet Türker’in Buluşunu Çinliler Üretecek
Felçli hastaların hayatını kolaylaştıracak cihazı 26 yaşında bir Türk, Mehmet Türker buldu. Cihaza GlassOuse ismini veren Türker’in icadı kafa hareketlerini yüzde 99,99 algılayıp bilgisayara aktarabiliyor. Engelli kişilerin ellerini kullanmadan… READ MORE
Türk öğrencinin icadı engellilere de umut oldu!
Mehmet Türker, en iyi arkadaşı kaza geçirdikten sonra onun ve engellerle yaşayan milyonların hayatını kolaylaştırmak için kafa yormaya başlamış. 2015’in şubat ayında da bu engelleri kaldırmak adına fikirler geliştirmeye başlamış. READ MORE
Genç mucidin icadı engelliler için yeni bir umut oldu
26 yaşındaki Türk mucit Mehmet Türker’in icat ettiği cihaz, engellilerin umudu oldu. Cihaz sayesinde engelliler ellerini kullanmadan sadece kafa hareketleriyle bir telefonu, tableti, bilgisayarı, smart TV’yi normal bir insan gibi kullanabilecek. READ MORE
Affordable Handsfree Bluetooth Mouse for the Disabled: GlassOuse
Last year, we checked out a cheap and open source sip-and-puff mouse for the disabled. CEBA’s GlassOuse seems to be another affordable alternative. It uses Bluetooth to connect to both desktop computers and mobile devices. READ MORE
GlassOuse: chú chuột đeo mắt giúp người khuyết tật dùng máy tính chả có gì khó
Do gặp phải khá nhiều hạn chế nên với những người khuyết tật, việc thao tác trên các thiết bị điện tử như laptop, tablet hay thậm chí là smartphone đều tương đối khó khăn. Hiểu được tâm lý này, anh chàng Mehmet Nemo Turker… READ MORE
Dengan menoleh dan gigit, headset canggih ini bisa gantikan mouse
Teknologi diciptakan tentu memiliki tujuan untuk mempermudah kehidupan manusia. Berbagai macam hal yang memudahkan kita untuk berhubungan dengan komputer pun sudah diciptakan sejak lama, seperti mouse, trackpad, atau joystick… READ MORE
GlassOuse su asistivne naočale koje omogućavaju teško pokretnim, i osobama bez ruku upravljanje mišem s ciljem što lakšeg korištenja računalne opreme… READ MORE
Hands-Free Assistant Device For those with Limited Movement
This is a pair of glasses for those with limited mobility who cannot use technology because of these limitations. GlassOuse now gives them the ability to use tech like anyone else. You wear them like you would regular glasses… READ MORE
「轉頭」遙控「滑鼠」! GlassOuse 殘疾者的智慧眼鏡
原先因病、意外,無法動用雙手的殘疾朋友,現在甚至能輕鬆控制電腦,畫一幅畫,或架網站!乍看像 VR 眼鏡的裝置,戴上去之後,當頭朝正中間,螢幕上的游標就在正中間。頭向左轉,滑鼠游標就往左; 頭向右轉,滑鼠就往右,設計非常直覺!READ MORE
Vocês devem se perguntar como pessoas que possuem condições de saúde tais como deficiências motoras, amputados… READ MORE
GlassOuse – the world’s first assistive mouse
The GlassOuse is a bluetooth mouse that’s worn like glasses. Based on your head movements, it moves the cursor onscreen. You bite on a blue extension to click, and it can go a week without charging. Right now, it’s raising funds on IndieGogo… READ MORE
Tübitak kabul etmedi, dünya peşine düştü
Mehmet Türker’in geliştirdiği kafa hareketleri ile kumanda edilebilen mouse projesi Glassouse, el müdahalesi gerektirmeyen proje engelliler için büyük bir kolaylık sağlıyor… READ MORE
GlassOuse Assistive Mouse for Disabled Users
Here is a mouse that people can control without using their hands. Designed for people dealing with disabilities, GlassOuse consists of a pair of glasses and click button. After you put it on, you will be able to interact with the screen with… READ MORE
Очки Glassouse позволят управлять курсором с помощью рта
Очки под названием Glassouse были созданы молодым китайским инженером-электриком Мехметом Немо, который создал их для своего дефективного друга. Новость передает, основываясь на… READ MORE
Мышка GlassOuse, управляющаяся движениями головы, создана для нетрудоспособных людей
Цель технологий заключается в том, чтобы сделать жизнь проще. Но наиболее популярные девайсы рассчитаны на людей, которые… READ MORE
The Story behind World’s First Assistive Mouse for Disabilities
This device can help disabilities control smart phone, tablet, and laptop without using their hands. Although this smart device is made in China, the team leader is a Turkish. Why does a Turkish run a business in China? READ MORE
Ces Lunettes pour Handicapés remplacent la Souris Bluetooth
Comment utiliser un ordinateur, un smartphone ou une tablette lorsqu’on est une personne atteinte d’un handicap moteur ou d’une déficience physique ? Il y a sans doute des solutions, mais… READ MORE
Mausersatz „GlassOuse“ zur Gerätesteuerung per Kopfbewegung
Auf Indiegogo wurde vor einigen Monaten das Projekt der sogenannten “GlassOuse” erfolgreich finanziert. Das Gerät ist ein Mausersatz für körperlich eingeschränkte Menschen, die weder Arme noch Beine bewegen können. READ MORE
GlassOuse: um mouse para pessoas com deficiência!
O GlassOuse, é um novo dispositivo Bluetooth que pode ser operado pelo olho e controlado pela boca, e é destinado àqueles que não podem usar dispositivos de rastreamento da maneira tradicional… READ MORE
Assistive tech giving control back to those without use of their hands
GlassOuse – an easy to use and relatively inexpensive assistive device which is designed like a pair of glasses but works like a computer mouse via Bluetooth. Using slight head movements, the user is able to move the cursor… READ MORE
Digital glasses for people without use of arms wins major award in Dundee
Digital glasses which assist people who don’t have the use of their arms have been named the best new product at a prestigious awards ceremony. READ MORE
ابتكار جهاز جديد “GLASSOUSE” يمكن استخدامه بديلًا عن الفأرة
ابتكر شاب تركي مقيم في الصين جهازًا جديدًا يمكن استخدامه بديلًا عن الفأرة في الحواسب الشخصية والأصابع للمس شاشات الهواتف الذكية والحواسب اللوحية. READ MORE
GlassOuse, il primo Assistive-Mouse per disabili
GlassOuse è un particolare mouse che permette di controllare pc e dispositivi mobile senza l’uso delle mani, funziona solamente guardando lo schermo e interagendo con esso tramite specifiche gestures. READ MORE
Glassouse Assistive Device | Control with Small Head Movements
With Glassouse you can control multiple device and platforms using this pointing device small head movements and bite switch. READ MORE
GlassOuse: The World’s First Assistive Mouse
The modern techniques help us yet turn away the disabled people, the statistical shows that there are X million people could not enjoy the smart devices because of their disabilities. READ MORE
GlassOuse: the world’s first assistive mouse
The GlassOuse is a bluetooth mouse that’s worn like glasses. Based on your head movements, it moves the cursor onscreen. You bite on a blue extension to click, and it can go a week without charging. READ MORE
TÜBİTAK’ın Reddettiği Ancak Google ve Apple’ı Peşinden Koşturan Proje: GlassOuse
27 yaşındaki Türk Mehmet Türker’in geliştirdiği engellilerin kolaylıkla mouse kontrolcüsünü kullanmasını sağlayan GlassOuse projesi, TÜBİTAK tarafından reddedilmesine rağmen Apple ve Google’dan destek alıyor. READ MORE
Bilgisayarı elleriniz olmadan kullandığınızı düşünün, garip olurdu değil mi? Bu düşünceyi gerçeğe çeviren 26 yaşındaki Mehmet Türker’in çalışmaları, yakın arkadaşının geçirdiği kaza sonrasında felç olmasıyla başladı. Arkadaşının bilgisayar ve diğer elektronik… READ MORE
GlassOuse – Maus-Ersatz durch Kopf- und Mundbewegungen
Eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne bei Indiegogo soll einen Mausersatz mit der Bezeichnung GlassOuse finanzieren, der vor allem behinderten Menschen die Bedienung von Geräten erleichtern soll. READ MORE
Crean un ratón para controlar dispositivos sin usar las manos
GlassOuse es un ratón que ha sido desarrollado para que las personas que no tienen manos tengan la posibilidad de controlar móviles, tablets y ordenadores. READ MORE